2006 Sweden and Norway Trip - Part 2

2006 Sweden and Norway Trip

The fun starts Saturday, March 25!

Jump to: Stockholm, Gothenburg (below), Norwegian Fjords

March 30, 5:26PM, Gothenburg: Well we've done quite a bit in Gothenburg now... we went to the Opera last night (Beethoven's Fidelio). It was really good, even considering it was a "modernized" production.

Here's a shot of the lobby of the Opera House... looks like IKEA designed it... very cool

Today we finally had some more sun in the morning so we walked around a bit and saw the city and some museums and such...

Here's the statue of Gustav Adolfs, founder of Gothenburg - he's pointing at the ground saying "build my city here, peons!"

Then we visited the Maritime Museum (near the Opera house) so here's a few pics from there...

Mmmm... submarine... er... U Boat...

Inside the submarine (really cramped)

Here's a shot of the oldest secular (non-church) building in Gothenburg... built in 1620-something...

Finally, we visited the Universeum (Universe Museum? Sort of an everything museum)... not a lot to photo there, but some cool fish:

Finally, a shot of the city from the museum... yep it was raining again already... rats...

Tomorrow we visit the mothership and pick up the new ride... stay tuned...

April 2, 11:11AM, Eidfjord, Norway - Limited internet connectivity is limiting the time I have to update this with photos... needless to say, the new car is great and the fjords are gorgeous! I'll try to add another page or two of pics as soon as I can, possibly tonight... but for now here are a few teaser pics...

Jump to: Stockholm, Gothenburg (above), Norwegian Fjords

Copyright David Adolphson 2006